All publicity is good, except an obituary notice.

I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people.

If you want an audience start a fight.

In America, the race goes to the loud, the solemn, the hustler. If you think you're a great writer, you must say that you are.

It is often wise to reveal that which cannot be concealed for long.

Of course I'm a publicity hound. Aren't all crusaders? How can you accomplish anything unless people know what you are trying to do?

Publicity in women is detestable. Anonymity runs in their blood. The desire to be veiled still possesses them. They are not even now as concerned about the health of their fame as men are, and, speaking generally, will pass a tombstone or a signpost without feeling an irresistible desire to cut their names on it.

Publicity is the life of this culture. Without publicity capitalism could not survive and at the same time publicity is its dream.

The cult of individuality and personality, which promotes painters and poets only to promote itself, is really a business. The greater the ''genius'' of the personage, the greater the profit.

The monster of advertisement… is a sort of octopus with innumerable tentacles. It throws out to right and left, in front and behind, its clammy arms, and gathers in, through its thousand little suckers, all the gossip and slander and praise afloat, to spit out again at the public.

The price of justice is eternal publicity.

There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.

To have news value is to have a tin can tied to one's tail.

We endeavor more that men should speak of us, than how and what they speak, and it sufficeth us that our name run in men's mouths, in what manner soever. It stemma that to be known is in some sort to have life and continuance in other men's keeping.

What kills the skunk is the publicity it gives itself.

With publicity comes humiliation.